Saturday, June 13, 2009

Awards Assembly 2009 and Last Baseball Game

This is actually from the Raptors Baseball Banquet on Tuesday night. This is Trent with Coach Eric.
Trent is on the right with his big red Under Amour bag on his shoulders.

This is the only picture I got of Trent playing. I was busy trying to keep score for the team this year and didn't have a chance. Glad I finally remembered to take my camera for the last game.

Trent got an Excellent Reader Award for having over 150 Accelerated Reader points.

It only took 4 years but Trent finally got Perfect Attendance this year!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Field Day 2009

Just wanted to post pictures of Trent (and me) from Field Day today!

Our annual trip down the inflatable slide...

I believe we have a picture like this from every year, too.

Coming down at the end of the inflatable obstacle course.

The middle of the inflatable obstacle course.

Trent and his best friend Curtis. Unfortunately, this was his class' first stop...snowcones for breakfast at 8:30am are yummy but the day got really hot and it would've worked better after lunch!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Trent's Violin Recital

Ella Graduates from PRESCHOOL!!

Ella is officially a preschool graduate! Even though the graduation was this past Monday she still has one week left going to school since Trent and I won't be finished until Friday.

Ella is at the end of the line...she didn't have a very big class so she was last.

Mrs. Laura hands Ella her Preschool Diploma.

Having fun at the reception afterwards.